Is Your Specialty Trade Technician Commission Paid?
Typically within the plumbing profession, most companies set the pay plan up based on commission. Some even have specific requirements for the final cost of a service or the technician will be punished. Imagine calling a plumbing company that pays their technicians by commission and require for them to return with a minimum of a $300 bill. When in actuality, only a third of that was needed for the repair and the commission paid technician sold you on more than you really required.
The average homeowner does not know much about the plumbing within their home. With specialty trades, the general population often has to trust the expert to not “up-sell” them on a product they do not really need. But if the primary motive of the technician sent to your house for repair is to hit the minimum bill requirement, then you will end up with products and services that were not needed for your repair meaning extra money out of your pocket! That is why our Delcor Professionals are not on a commission based pay plan.
At Delcor, our service professionals have sincerity when recommending repairs. We do what is best for our customers and will suggest the most suitable option for your needs and not try to sell you more than needed! The next time you call a service company, before you have a technician come out, ask if their technicians are commission paid or just call a Delcor Professional today and choose a company you know you can trust!
“The integrity of men is to be measured by their conduct, not by their professions.” – Junius